Yonder Quilt Along: Row 5

Yonder Quilt Along: Row 5

July17, 2019

Anneliese - Comments (0) - Yonder QAL

It was bound to happen eventually, life was going to get in the way of my Yonder-ing. Darn it. But I’m back on track with Row 5’s Arch Blocks!

I planned on getting a half yard of orange for the row and it turns out that that was way too much. I always get nervous when working with irregular shaped pieces. Should I do some precutting? Just turn the fabric into swiss cheese? The cheese method is actually more efficient fabric-wise because you can nest the odd shapes together. That’s what I did with the orange and I have this much left.

I cut 3″ strips out of the background and had more waste but I think cutting went faster. You win some you lose some.

There’s a Needle Drop in the Yonder booklet to help fitting the curves together before you sew. I also found that pinning and then stitching with the quarter circle and the pins on the bottom helps keep you from stabbing yourself with pins. No blood on the fabric.

After figuring that out, they went rather quickly. I know curves can be daunting, but the little guys stitch up so fast. Half in a colorful archway and half in a background archway and you’re all set.

I like the scale of the dots on this row. I think the graphic nature really breaks up the busyness of the last couple of fabrics. And I’m a sucker for orange.

I think my flimsy is officially too wide to get it all in a picture. That means my evil Yonder plan is working! Mwahahaha!