Busting the Myth
that Creativity Is Easy with Tali Dee PhD

Busting the Myth that Creativity Is Easy with Tali Dee PhD

June18, 2024

Anneliese - Comments (0) - Adventures

Yes, we’re being creative. Yes, we’re working with our hands. Yes, I’m still chronically online and I like to talk to all of my internet friends and randomly ask people if we can be internet friends after stalking them for a long time. Which may or may not be how I got Tali Dee PhD involved with our 30 Days of Dopamine challenge.

Tali Dee PhD is a Clinical Psychology PhD that I follow on TikTok for reality checks about creativity, reminders to create community, and just to make time for joy. I wanted to talk with Tali about something she had in a TikTok video, about how some people make creativity look easy; is creativity really just easier for some people than it is for others?

Thank you Tali Dee for responding when I slid into your DM’s! Watch our full chat on YouTube here.

This is the shortest video at about 11 minutes, but I get it if you can’t listen to it right now. I’m not going to leave you hanging. Here’s the tldr version:

  • Getting frustrated and not having the outcome you wanted when you’re crafting, creating, making happens to everyone.
  • Not everything is for everyone. It’s ok to say ‘I don’t like this’ and move on to something else. It doesn’t make you a failure, it doesn’t take away from the things you can or want to do.
  • Allow yourself to be a beginner. Allow yourself to be bad at something. Give yourself the freedom to fail. You never know what might come of it.

This week your goal is to look at your creative projects and be amazed at what you can do/have done. Take time to acknowledge how awesome your creativity is!

If it’s sparking it up for me, even if I don’t know what’s going to come out of it, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with saying go for it.