September16, 2020
Oh look! Another quilt that I’ve forgotten to tell you about. I am really not good about communicating stuff, am I? Who put me in charge? Anyway! Let’s talk Diamanté. Diamanté started with this quilt. The Man and I like to go rummage through antique shops. Unlike walking the mall, you’ll never know what you’ll find, and on one adventure a couple of years ago I found this. It’s a bit dirty and falling to bits in places and sometimes I’m worried there’s going to be a mouse that falls out of it, but the design is cool. And OLD. I’m talking 100 years at least old. It’s hard to date because of the type of fabrics; there are some plaids and shirtings and the white is a solid. Those types of fabrics span a large length of time in popularity and availability. I’m certain it’s hand pieced and hand quilted. The blocks are also not consistent in size, averaging from 9″ – 12″. But with all of that, it’s cool. And I had to have it. Part of the thing that’s fun to me about quilts is to figure out how to put them together. Since the OG Diamanté was hand pieced, the challenge for me was figuring out if it could work for machine piecing. After a little bit of drafting and messing around with how chunky I wanted that arch to be, we got there.
The first Eye Candy Quilts’ Diamanté is our version of a red and white quilt, meaning it’s not really just red and white. The ‘reds’ go from hot pink to orangey red, and we made the little triangles that come together to form diamonds turquoise. Because it’s pretty. And yet another chance to scrap it up and add more color. I made the first quilt in 10 days, all the way from cutting everything out to finishing the top. It’s definitely doable.
And I liked it so much I got started on cutting out another for the Eye Candy Quilts’ Gremlin. I wanted to do black and whites and use one of my favorite Alison Glass pieces to make it look like bananas! It doesn’t have as many blocks so theoretically it should’ve gone faster, right? Except life got in the way so I’m just now working on binding.
I also have another version of this quilt totally cut out that’s been hanging out for a year. But again, life. When I get to it though, it’s going to be a jaw dropper. And! My friend Richy started one with a totally different Tula color way that makes me look at in a whole new light. Diamanté gives you so many options to work with. The pattern has been done for ages (see earlier where I admitted how bad I am at telling you all the cool new stuff), but now it’s available in our Etsy shop here.
We also have template sets available so you don’t have to make your own that I can set up as a custom listing if you’re interested. Here she is in all of her sparkle. Go get ’em, Diamanté!
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Deb Robertson
9:50 PM, September 2020
Oh my goodness this is so lovely.
11:17 PM, September 2020
Thank you! It’s a fun one.