January4, 2015
These little gems started with a bunch of fat quarters from Andover’s new line Bel Air by Lauren Marcella.
Pretty cool, right? Now this is only half the line. The other half is turquoise and purple and black, much brighter than the elegant neutrals we were playing with. They tell me that this line’s inspiration was the Art Deco movement in Florida. I can see that. But I could also see champagne and a snowy New Year’s Eve, at least with the stack that I had.
Add in a little gold lamé, a little Andover chambray, and voila! Party pillows!
Pop, clink, fizz! That’s what New Year’s Eve is for. Bubbly champagne and parties. Now this one is an 18″ x 18″ pillow, as is the gold and cream cabana striped one (Side note, I learned what a cabana stripe is; even stripes of a color and white. Not multicolor. And it’s very in for interior decorating. Who knew?). The third pillow, the one I affectionately call the Disco Ball, is for a 24″ x 24″ floor pillow.
They were super fun and easy to put together. It was harder to take their picture! I was out in the park and it was a -2 degree windchill. It was gorgeous and crisp and I was freezing my butt off so I was trying to hurry. I had these guys laid out in the snow and I heard a rustle of wings as a whole flock of geese started circling overhead. It was beautiful. And I all I could think of was, “Please don’t poop on the pillows. Please don’t poop on the pillows.” Ah, nature.
Anybody interested in a pattern for this trio?