June4, 2024
We’re prioritizing creativity for 30 straight days. But how do you really do that when there are kids and dishes and dogs and jobs and and and?
Our first person for 30 Days of Dopamine is Jenni Grover, the Wellness Coach for Makers. Jenni always has so many good little nuggets of information that you can use, she was one of the first people I contacted about getting tips for including creativity in your daily life. I think a lot of us tend to think of being creative as a special occasion, but Jenni gives us tips to make it an integral part of your day and not an afterthought.
Make sure and watch the full chat with Jenni on our YouTube Channel here.
But if you don’t have time to watch it all (it’s only 22 minutes and it’s full of good stuff), here’s the tldr version for you:
- Stay in touch with your motivation for being creative. That can be anything from getting the dopamine hit to making something for other people. Keep that in your mind.
- Get an accountabilabuddy, aka someone that you can check in with to share progress, wins, and challenges. Having someone outside of your head keeping you accountable helps clear out the clutter of things fighting for your attention.
- Snuggle your habits together. Sneak a little creativity in while you’re doing other things; hand work while watching tv, arrange your food while you’re cooking, creativity doesn’t exist in a vacuum.
Your goal for this week is to take a tip and put it into practice for the next week. Let’s get creative!