February16, 2020
Another row a day late! Heck, being sick the whole month of January is leaking in to my February. Not allowed! And then I was stitching today and my iron decided to die. Of course it did. Never mind. We’ll press on, so to speak.
Row 18 is the one immediately following the key color turning point of Row 17. For me, since Row 17 wasn’t a contrast row like the original Yonder, that meant that Row 18 was the start of a new color progression. We’re going in to blues and blue purples. Since Row 17 was a pretty light green, I knew that Row 18 needed to be a light blue. And I mean light overall, not a lighter shade of blue. I wound up using this manta ray blue on white print from Tula Pink’s Zuma. It’s a pretty even mix of blue to white so it’s a good transition piece.
I had a fat quarter (hurray for fat quarter bundles), and I had plenty left over.
This is another Letterbox Block row. It’s not a hard block, it’s more about accuracy of your quarter inch seam more than anything else. This was the second row I stitched using my new-to-me-but-still-from-the1960s Necchi. After stitching this row, I have a pretty good idea of where her quarter inch is. Stitching the Arch blocks from Row 17 as her first piecing adventure was not the best one to figure that out!
I like how this fabric chops up and really sparkles against the white grunge. I’m glad the blocks flip fabric placement so you can see how they work together.
Seven Letterbox Blocks later and you’re all set! Well, I will be once I get a new iron and can make this look all fresh and so clean clean.
I like how it works with Row 17. How about you?
Here’s to hoping I can get back on schedule for the next couple of rows.