February28, 2020
The Eye Candy Quilters have long been fans of Giucy Giuce. And we also know that Giucy Giuce really likes our Carpe Noctem pattern (because he told us). Last year when he was gearing up for Market and he showed us his Declassified line, we knew exactly what to do with it. Cue Carpe Noctem Declassified!
This is the digital version of the quilt. So many times when we’re planning new quilts for our friends’ new fabric lines, the fabric hasn’t been printed yet. Digital quilts help you get started and give you lots of options to play, but they’re no comparison to the real thing. And also, when you get the real thing and the real thing uses a line with references to aliens it becomes a new fun thing to play with. Like here, when the alien quilt escapes the secret base.
Or here when it has a dramatic look back to how far it’s come.
Ok ok, here’s the full deal. Isn’t it so much fun?! All the colors really pop against the blacks and white and grey. And the flying geese really fly between the blocks and connect across the quilt.
This particular Carpe Noctem was made by our local shop, the Calico House. They were kind enough to let me borrow it and run around taking pictures of it. The Calico House also has kits handy, which can you snag right here, if you need one. And you do. Consider yourself enabled.
And the quilting on this guy was done by the ever lovely Vicki of Orchid Owl Quilts. She did this cool thing where she added sort of ghost circles in the quilting around the cornerstones.
It’s always fun to see our patterns made up in different fabrics. What do you think? Are you ready to seize the night with some Declassified fabrics?
I’ll be looking for you!