May20, 2020
Another day, another shirt.
I’m still stitching with knits, this time I’m mixing a gorgeous engineered printed plaid floral remnant with a solid dark brown knit, both from Emma One Sock. Because the printed knit was only a little over a yard, I had to get creative with the folding and cutting out. I picked the center plaid stripe between the florals and folded along the stripe towards the center. That way, I was more efficient with my fabric cutting and getting the most out of the piece I had.

I didn’t prewash my fabric this time, mostly because I’m lazy, but also because I know this will be a hand wash and lay flat shirt. I’ll treat it the same way I do my hand knits.
I did another variation in the Jalie Mimosa pattern, the same t-shirt pattern I used to make the t-shirt with tied sleeves. This version was long sleeved with ruffles at the shoulder. Another perk with sewing with knits is that knits don’t fray. So, I didn’t have to do any edge finishing to prep the ruffles before diving in. Win.

I also took the time to actually look at a t-shirt collar and do the collar on this correctly.

Innards were finished the same way as the other Mimosa, zigzag the edge and then straight stitch for the actual fit.

I have another shirt for my handmade wardrobe! And yes, I’m wearing knitted shorts. Because it’s fun!

I think this turned out a little more oversized and you can see it more for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I didn’t prewash or preshrink anything meaning the fabric is airier and a little flimsier to work with. This is also just inherent in the difference between this wool knit fabric and the cotton hemp blend I used before. This has more stretch, so it drapes a bit more when you wear it. Secondly, because I was working with a remnant I had to choose a second fabric and make contrast sleeves. That visual break ends up emphasizing the sleeves more and you see how big they are. I’ll just wear them pushed up, like how I have in the picture, and it looks like part of the design.
I might size down the next time I make this, or have a couple of sizes traced so I can adjust the pattern depending on the drape and stretch of the knit. It’s a good staple pattern for sure.
On to the next!