November14, 2019
It snowed this week and I saw plenty of geese flying south. Maybe they’re heading to the land of the Tula sea shells?
I had a fat quarter of the Tula Pink sea shells from Zuma. And it was plenty. Like always. When it comes to these little rows, it’s so hard to give a yardage. Most of the time you can only get a quarter yard or fat quarter from a shop as the smallest piece, so that’ll cover it.
So when I cut this, I was happily stitching away and I went to assemble the row and realized I was short on geese. This wouldn’t have been a problem if I was doing the original controlled color way where all of my geese would’ve been the same color palette; with the other geese rows, you have extras that easily fit in to Row 13. So I don’t know if that was my plan when I wrote it. Since I’m doing every row a different color, that doesn’t work this time. I’m going to say it might be a mistake and here’s the easy fix.
- COLOR: (1) 4½” x 2½” rectangle, (2) 2½” squares
- BACKGROUND: (1) 4½” x 2½” rectangle, (2) 2½” squares
With right sides together, place a background square on the colorful rectangle. Stitch diagonally from corner to corner on the square. Trim ¼” away from the seam and press. Place the other background square on the colorful rectangle, again with right sides together. Stitch diagonally from corner to corner on the square making sure that it’s not the same diagonal as the previous square. Trim ¼” away from the seam and press. Repeat with the background rectangle and colorful squares. Ta dah! Single geese to complete your row.
Again, it’s a shortie so even with a fix it goes quickly. Perfect to churn out as the holidays start rolling around.
And because of how Yonder is put together, it’s like I’m building a mini Yonder quilt. It’s a very green mini quilt at the moment.