July24, 2016
Hello Smorgasblockerinis! Do any of you follow American Patchwork and Quilting aka @allpeoplequilt on Instagram? I was super excited to see that Lindsay Mayland, one of their lovely editors and also a Smorgasblocker, posted a picture of her beautiful smorgasblocks-in-progress during her Instagram takeover this weekend. Yay! I think Lindsay may have persuaded some new people to join in, and I know there are a bunch of people playing catch up, so this week we won’t be making a new block. Instead, we’ll start putting the top together.
Now, my reasons for doing this are a little selfish. I’ve found that as I work on projects it’s easier if I have things in one piece sooner rather than later. I am disorganized and don’t put fabric away and my blocks get squished and lost and frayed. I am my own personal hurricane. Here’s the proof. We’re all friends here, right? No judgement pretty please. Ok, maybe a little judgement.
You may not be into the, let’s call it “creative chaos” like me, but I also think you may be itching to see how all of these will fit together. Let’s go!
First, take your Scandi Windmill and stitch a 1½” x 16½” strip to the bottom. There’s your first floater strip, easy peasy.
Next, take your No Y-Seam Feathered Star and stitch a 1¼” by 12½” strip to the left side of your star. Now stitch a 1¼” x 13¼” strip to the top of your star. Arrange your Raspberry Kiss blocks to the left and the top of your star. Stitch together, starting with three blocks on the left of your star and following with four blocks on the top of your kiss/star section.
Now, sew your four Spinning Pyramid blocks together. On the right side, stitch a 1½” x 8½” strip to your pyramid row.
You will have three big sections. Stitch your windmill section to the left side of your kiss/star section. Stitch your Spinning Pyramid section to the bottom of your Scandi Windmill, Raspberry Kiss, and No Y-Seam Feathered Star section.
Note that the intersection in the middle of your pyramids should match up to the intersection between your windmill and kiss/star.
And if you haven’t already, go ahead and stitch your Twizzle blocks from last week end to end to make a column. This won’t attach to the section you’ve been piecing just yet, but at least those will be together.
I hope you love where this is going as much as I do. Next week we’ll be back with another block, so now’s your time to get all caught up!